Certification of Startup Company with Technology – Part 2

Seukang Li said as he handed his cell phone to Gun-Ho, "It's Jien Wang. He wants to talk to you."

"Jien Wang? It's me, Gun-Ho Goo."

"Hey, it's really good to hear your voice, friend. I want to be there with you guys; I really do. I would have been on my way to the place if I was close by, but I'm in Hangzhou."

"I know you do, friend. I'm very delighted to hear your voice."

"I was told that you have already invested 4 million dollars in China. That's huge. I don't think that Seukang Li would ask you about investing more money in China."

"We talked about a movie production business, but I don't know if I can do it because it requires me to invest another significant amount of money."