Employee Stock Ownership Plan (2) – Part 2

Gun-Ho and Jong-Suk were walking around the building next to GH Mobile to check its current condition.

Jong-Suk asked Gun-Ho, "I talked with Dyeon Korea's Manager Ahn at the maintenance team earlier today on the phone. The employee stock ownership plan looks to be the current hot topic among the workers now."

"Did they already hear about the plan?"

"They are trying to figure out whether it is a good thing or a bad thing to get the company share. They all seem to have different opinions about it."

"Hmm, is that so?"

"I heard that GH Mobile's employees will have a chance to get Dyeon Korea's shares as well."

"Let's talk about it later between you and me quietly."

"Okay, bro."

Gun-Ho asked, "What's your plan with this place?"