Establishing subsidiary companies in India and in China (2) – Part 2

Gun-Ho received a call from Director Woon-Hak Sim in China.

"I've finished reading the translated version of the movie scenario—Menghuan Yinghua."

"Do you think it is good enough to produce a movie with it?"

"I had fun reading it. If we make the ending of the movie as the female lead character—the geisha—manages to steal classified military secrets and give them to her lover—the Chinese spy—and she eventually commits suicide, the movie will stand out among others."

"I'm asking if the movie would lead to box office success."

"Yes, if it's fun to watch, then it will be lucrative. I'm confident that it will succeed."

"Do you think a geisha would date a Chinese man and pass on classified military secrets for her lover's country?"

"Haha. That's why it is a fiction novel and movie. Even though it's fictional, we will make it look plausible enough for the viewers to believe that it could happen in real life. That's the key to make a movie successful."