Secret Affair in Seattle (1) – Part 2

Gun-Ho took GH Mobile's Director Park to the production site in Dyeon Korea. While they were there, some management people delightedly came to greet Director Park when they recognized him. Manager Hee-Yeol Yoo also came close to Director Park to welcome him.

"Mr. Plant Manager Park, it's really good to see you here."

"The production site looks much more organized and systematic than when I was here. I guess you are running the site very well."

"Thank you, sir. I still have a lot to learn from GH Mobile."

At that moment, Manager Ahn at the maintenance team came to Director Park; he was wearing work gloves.

"Little brother, it's good to see you."

"Big brother, how have you been?"

"Brother, can you come to see me before you leave for today?"

"What's wrong?"

"The cooling water keeps overflowing. I need your advice on it. After you are done with the thing that you came here for, just stop by where I am before you leave, okay? I will give you a cup of coffee."