H Group’s CEO Choi (3) – Part 1

Gun-Ho was asking Director Jong-Suk Park to build machines for Dyeon Korea.

"I need the drawing and the main screws."

"President Song will ask you to go on a trip to America with him to purchase those screws."

"To the U.S.?"

"Yeah. Once you get there, enjoy your trip and learn things as much as you could while you are there."

"To what company are we going, and where to?"

"You will have to hear from President Song about the trip. I'd better get going now."

Gun-Ho went to Dyeon Korea that afternoon.

Director Yoon entered Gun-Ho's office.

"I will have to stay in Chennai for about a month after we make the final payment for the factory there."

"Is it because of the repair that we are going to make on the factory?"

"Yes, sir. There are several areas that require repairs. I will first hire a Korean international student who can speak Tamil when I get there."