Contract with Stock Brokerage Company (1) – Part 1

Gun-Ho came back to his office in GH Building, Sinsa Town after enjoying delicious food with a little bit of liquor at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

When he was having his afternoon coffee while relaxing in his office, that Secretary Yeon-Soo Oh had brought to him earlier, GH Media's President Jeong-Sook Shin entered his office.

"I'm leaving for Shanghai City tomorrow, sir. You said that all I need to do there is to sign the paper, right?"

"Yes, you just need to sign the investment letter of intent. If a news reporter asks you why you made this investment decision, just tell him or her that you are fond of the movie scenario. The amount that I promised them to invest in their movie production is 5 million dollars. It's approximately a bit more than 5 billion Korean won."

"I think I was told of it."

"If the investment letter of intent that they would give you to sign indicates the amount of our investment more than the amount promised, do not sign it."

"Understood, sir."