Contract with Stock Brokerage Company (2) – Part 1

Gun-Ho suggested that they should get together anytime soon.

"Hey, Min-Ho Kang, we will soon turn 40 years old. I know that we are all busy with our work and life, but we should meet sometime before forgetting each other's faces."

"You're right. It was Won-Chul who suggested in the first place that we make a club and meet regularly; he even named it as WestFacing Club, but we haven't had any gatherings ever since."

"I guess he is very busy. Why don't you call our high school friends for our next meeting? You don't need to collect membership fees this time; I will pay for it. We can have dinner and also drinks afterward."

"Really? Do you have any place in mind?"

"Well, the Korean food restaurant in the Gangnam Station area—BackHwa—where we had our gathering last time is good. Or, you can pick any place if you know any good ones."

"Okay. I will start making calls to the friends and arrange the gathering and will let you know."