Dyeon Korea’s Production Machines are Being Built (1) – Part 1

After getting off the phone with Director Woon-Hak Sim, Gun-Ho searched his photo files on his smartphone. He remembered that he had previously taken several pictures of Mori Aikko during the Matsuri (festival) in Heian Shrine in Okazaki Park.

"Oh, here It is!"

Fortunately, Gun-Ho still had a picture of Mori Aikko saved in his smartphone. In the photo, Mori Aikko was in a colorful Kimono posing with a Wakasa (a traditional Japanese oil-paper umbrella) in her hand, and her face was covered with a heavy geisha make-up. Gun-Ho sent the picture to Director Woon-Hak Sim's cell phone.

It didn't take a long time for Director Sim to call Gun-Ho after looking at the photo of Mori Aikko.

"I received the photo that you sent to me, sir. From the picture, I can tell that she is a quite beautiful woman. How old is she?"

"She is in her early 20s."

"I see. You said that she played a role in a Taiwanese TV drama before, right?"