Dyeon Korea’s Production Machines are Being Built (2) – Part 1

Gun-Ho went to work in GH Building, Sinsa Town that day. When he was sitting in his office, he received a call from GH Mobile's President Song.

"This is President Song, sir. I had a meeting with H Group yesterday."

"That's good. What was it about?"

"They made a new product order. They want us to manufacture several different types of engine mount brackets."

"Oh, is that right?"

"The auto parts that we will be providing them with will be used for their A/S. They said that once our product quality is proved as they continuously use our products, they will place more product orders for their new cars as well."

"That will increase the volume of their product orders substantially."

"If we could provide them with the parts to be used for their new cars, our sales revenue coming from them will outrun the sales revenue that we are earning with A Electronics' product orders. We could be MB's (Former President— Myung-Bak Lee) DAS."

"What is DAS' main product?"