Mori Aikko’s Audition (2) – Part 2

Mori Aikko carefully entered the room where Gun-Ho's party was sitting in, and she sat on the floor in a kneeling position in front of four men. She then placed a hand fan on the floor that she was carrying, and then she placed her head on the floor and gave a deep bow to the four men to the extent that her nose almost touched the floor.

"Oh, oh."

Director Yan Wu moaned in amazement since he had never seen a sight like this before. In China, people did not give a deep bow to another person; they didn't even do that in a funeral either. The only time when people gave a deep bow was for Buddha. It must have been a shocking scene to Director Yan Wu; it was a culture shock. He was even more startled when Mori Aikko lifted her head to begin her dance performance.


The three men's— except Gun-Ho's— jaws dropped in amazement. They stayed in a shocking state for a while. Their eyes were locked on Mori Aikko's beautiful face.