Started Shooting the Movie (1) – Part 1

Gun-Ho couldn't send the second investment funds to Zhongfang (Chinese side) now. If he did, they would let him have a few additional bus lines, but he would lose his bargaining power. The Chinese partners would let him make money about the same amount as he would have earned from a bank interest if he saved that fund with a bank, but he wouldn't be able to expect to make a fortune. If the Chinese partners wouldn't even guarantee Gun-Ho making a minimum amount of return on his investment, it could cause some sort of diplomatic problems between the two countries. Also, they would make themselves look bad in the international business community.

Gun-Ho said to Jae-Sik Moon, "I understand the Chinese partners' position in this matter in insisting that they wouldn't transfer the land ownership to the joint venture's name. They are worried that if they let the joint venture own the land, we might take out a loan from a bank using the land as collateral."

"You think so?"