Started Shooting the Movie (3) – Part 1

It was the day when Gun-Ho went to work in GH Mobile in Jiksan Town.

"Chan-Ho, aren't you feeling tired whenever we have to go to work in Jiksan Town and Asan City?"

"I'm good, sir. It's not very far from Seoul anyway. It's a good distance to enjoy driving."

"When we have to come to Jiksan Town, do you stay in the security office most of the time?"

"I stay in the security office and sometimes I stay with the logistics team."

"I see."

"I stayed with the production team 2 last month watching the products coming out of the machines. When Director Park saw me there, he made me work there for two hours."

"Haha, really?"

"Sir, I have a question."

"What is it?"

"When the employee stock ownership program was executed last time, I talked to the general affairs manager because I wanted to buy the shares as well. But he said that I was not eligible to do so."