Dyeon India in Chennai, India (2) – Part 1

It was August. Gun-Ho turned 38 years old.

Gun-Ho was living a happy life these days. When he went home after work, his lovely wife and precious baby boy were waiting for him. Sang-Min's innocent laugh always made Gun-Ho laugh along with him. Gun-Ho spent his evening playing with his boy. Sang-Min was so into a rattle toy recently. It was his favorite toy. Sometimes, when Gun-Ho came home after work, Young-Eun and Sang-Min already fell asleep together. Looking at his wife and son sleeping always made Gun-Ho feel peaceful, and Gun-Ho couldn't help but kiss both of them.

On one usual peaceful day, Young-Eun said to Gun-Ho, "Oppa, I'm going back to work in the middle of August. I found a position in a small hospital nearby home."

"You are going back to work? Isn't it too early? What about our baby boy?"

"I will work part-time during morning hours only."

"Isn't our helper lady coming to our home at 10 am?"