Dyeon India in Chennai, India (3) – Part 2

The branch manager continued to talk to Gun-Ho on the phone, "I couldn't go and talk to you earlier because you seem to be spending time with your family. I didn't want to interrupt you. Moreover, many big players in Gangnam are reluctant for the people around them to learn that they have a business with people like me. So, I just passed by your table while giving you a slight nod, sir. I hope you understand."

"Haha, you did?"

"You are having lunch with your wife and child, aren't you? Your child is so cute, and your wife seems to be a very elegant and intellectual lady. I'm so envious of you, sir. You seem to have everything, at work and at home. Well, enjoy your time and meal, sir."

"Thank you."

Young-Eun asked, "Who is it?"

"It's just someone who I have business with."

Realizing Chan-Ho Eom already left the restaurant, Young-Eun said, "Mr. Eom didn't seem to take enough time enjoying his meat. I feel sorry for him."