Fulfilling Preliminary Examination Requirement to Go Public (2) – Part 2

Mr. K said, "Artists like us, sir, we don't make a lot of money unlike many people believe. And, I'm planning to throw a party for the seniors of my hometown— Jiksan Town— and, I'm hoping to get some help for it. It's too much to handle by myself."


"So, I'd like to have an opportunity to introduce a very good healthy diet food to GH Mobile's employees. I will take only 15 minutes of their time after lunch. If you could allow 15 minutes of your workers' time for me, I would really appreciate it. I don't expect anything from your company other than 15 minutes of time."

"You will have to talk with our general affairs director. I will give him a call for you."

Gun-Ho called for the general affairs director.

"Sir, I rather prefer to discuss this matter directly with you, not with the general affairs director."

"This sort of thing is handled by our general affairs director."

"Could you then give an approval of my request to the general affairs director, Mr. President?"