Marketable Securities Transfer (2) – Part 1

It was Thursday. Gun-Ho headed to Jiksan Town to work in GH Mobile.

"Chan-Ho, the weather is nice these days, huh? It's no longer hot."

"Right, sir. Even the air feels fresher. I do like driving in this cool weather."

When Gun-Ho arrived at GH Mobile, he initially thought of stopping by the second factory first, and then he decided to visit the storage building where the general affairs director made a lease contract to use its parking lot. Tons of cars were parked in the large open space, and there was a sign. Gun-Ho went closer to the sign to read it.

[Private Parking. No Public Access. – GH Mobile Corp.]

Gun-Ho smiled as he read the sign. The storage building looked hideous. Its front door was half broken, and some construction materials were piled up inside. The door was locked to prohibit public access.

"It looks like we won't be able to use that building even for storage."