IPO Presentation (1) – Part 1

One week passed. Gun-Ho received a call from the branch manager of the stock brokerage company in Gangnam District.

"I just received a confirmation from the Financial Supervisory Service that they received Dyeon Korea's report on its marketable securities. What do you think of having the business presentation for IPO on September 10th?"

"Sounds good."

IPO (Initial Public Offering) presentation refers to a presentation made by a company right before going public. The presentation is given to public investors to explain about their business.

"As for the venue, we probably want to hold the presentation in Yeouido Island rather than Gangnam District since many people in the financial field are found in Yeouido Island. What do you think, sir?"

"Yeouido Island sounds good to me."

"What about the convention center in 63 Building— Grand Ballroom— in Yeouido Island?"

"63 Building? That's fine."