Fight Against Stock Manipulators (1) – Part 2

Noticing that Gun-Ho's father was watching something on his smartphone, Gun-Ho's mother asked him, "What are you watching?"

"I took a few photos of Sang-Min earlier. I'm just checking them."

Gun-Ho's mother said to Gun-Ho, "Your father is taking a lesson these days about how to use a smartphone in the community center."

"He can just use the smartphone. Why does he need a lesson for it?"

"I took the lesson with him once. There are so many functions and things that I can do with a smartphone, that I had no idea that I could. I don't know who created smartphones, but these are something else."

"Do you surf the internet with it as well?"

"Of course. We watch the news too."

"Dad, open the search engine and enter my name—Gun-Ho Goo."

Gun-Ho's father and mother simultaneously pulled out their smartphones and searched Gun-Ho's name.

"See? I can type too," Gun-Ho's mother said after typing Gun-Ho's name in.

"Press the enter key, mom."

"Enter? Oh, oh, wow. I see my son's face here."