Night in Shanghai City (1) – Part 1

Gun-Ho called for Ms. Assistant Manager Kim from the accounting department, who was in charge of the matters related to the company shares.

"You wanted to see me, sir?"

Assistant Manager Kim was not someone who Gun-Ho usually called for because if he needed someone to talk to regarding any accounting matters, he would talk with the accounting manager or director. Ms. Assistant Manager Kim looked very nervous when she entered Gun-Ho's office.

"I was informed that you are having a hard time at work, Ms. Assistant Manager Kim."

"Yes, sir. I've been getting numerous calls every day."

"Those people are probably experiencing losing money because our stock price has constantly dropped. They are just looking for someone to vent their anger on. Whenever you receive a call like that, just tell them that the company is doing just fine as usual."

"Yes, sir. I've been telling them as such so far."