Rumors from Financial District (1) – Part 1

It was Friday.

Dyeon Korea's stock price went up again, and it became 23,000 won. Gun-Ho stayed in his office in GH Building, Sinsa town most of the time trading stocks using Seung-Hee sister's stock account all day long. Gun-Ho had purchased 215,000 shares at the average of 19,000 won. If he sold all of them at the current price, he would make 4.945 billion won. He initially spent 4.1 billion won to purchase those Dyeon Korea's stock, so he would have made a profit of 845 million won within 2 weeks.

"I didn't start this to make 845 million won."

Gun-Ho wanted to raise the trading volume of Dyeon Korea's stock, and he repeatedly purchased and sold the stock over and over again in an effort to increase the trading volume. Even when he threw 5,000 shares to sell to the stock market, the price didn't decrease much because of the high trading volume.

"I'm going to buy the 5,000 shares back, that I just placed on the market to sell."