Tears of Miura Machines’ Owner President (1) – Part 2

Gun-Ho's group followed President Miura to his office.

Besides a desk made of Paulownia wood, there was a large meeting table where several people could sit together. Once everyone sat at the meeting table, Japanese traditional tea—Matcha—were served.

President Miura spoke first, "As you have noticed, the factory is small and narrow. I hope you are not disappointed by its size."

"Not at all. The factory is extremely clean and neat, and the technology that you have here seems to be advanced. Especially, I was impressed by the quietness of the factory."

"We used to make loud noises like any other factories about ten years ago. At that time, we received a lot of complaints from the residents in the area. It took us ten years to make this place quiet. Once we succeeded in finally making a quiet factory, I found myself aged. Haha."

President Miura smiled faintly.

Gun-Ho had a question.

"Could I ask you how much sales revenue you are making annually if you don't mind me asking?"