Stock Split (2) – Part 1

Stock split was one of the ways to increase the number of stocks available to trade on the stock market. It was deemed to be good news within the stock market, and the price of the stock increases accordingly. Therefore, when people from investing clubs visited Dyeon Korea in person and talked with the internal auditor, it was probably to procure important information that could affect the stock price before anyone else.

That was why Gun-Ho was talking about a stock split at Dyeon Korea's executive meeting today knowing this fact.

The internal auditor said, "The number of our company stock had been 2 million before we went public. We then issued an additional 600,000 shares and offered them to the public to trade. That made our total number of shares 2.6 million, and then we split them in half to lower the price per share to 5,000 won from 10,000 won. So, now the total number of stocks is 5.2 million which is twice of 2.6 million."

"That's right. That's what we did."