Private Equity Fund (PEF) Company (2) – Part 2

Gun-Ho made a call to Seung-Hee sister.

"It's Gun-Ho."

"Oh, President Goo."

"Are you busy right now? Can we talk?"

"I'm good."

"Where are you right now?"

"I'm in Guro Town. I had a meeting with a client for insurance. I was about to head to Bucheon City."

"You are living in Bucheon City?"

"Yeah. I moved there from Incheon City."

"I have something that I'd like to talk to you about. Can we meet?"

"Sure. I can go to your office in Sinsa Town. I don't want you to make a trip just to meet me. You must be a lot busier than me since you are running a large business."

About an hour later, Seung-Hee sister came into Gun-Ho's office in GH Building, Sinsa Town. She was carrying a box of beverages—Vita 500.

"You didn't have to bring things like this when you come to see me."

"Well, you are my client. You bought insurance from me. I didn't want to come empty-handed."

Gun-Ho asked Secretary Yeon-Soo Oh to bring two cups of Longjing tea.

"This is Chinese tea. Be careful. It's hot."