Isehara Machines (1) – Part 1

It was Monday.

Gun-Ho was heading to work in GH Mobile, Jiksan Town. Chan-Ho Eum said to Gun-Ho, "Sir, I feel like it has been a while since we drove on the expressway."

"You do? I guess I've been busy lately with the businesses in Seoul."

"Cosmos flowers are still in full bloom."

"Maybe we should stop by Giheung Rest Area. I need to use the bathroom."

"Actually, we just passed that rest area. We can stop by the next one— Anseong Rest Area instead."

"Sounds good."

When they arrived at Anseong Rest Area, Gun-Ho went to the bathroom first, and then he made a call to CEO Geun-Soo Son at SH Investment Partners.

"CEO Son, are you in the office right now?"

"Yes, sir. But, I don't have work to do here yet."

"You've opened the company's stock account with Gangnam Stock Brokerage Firm already, right?"

"Yes, I did, sir."