Isehara Machines (2) – Part 1

Gun-Ho and Jong-Suk Park walked out of GH Machines' production site.

Gun-Ho said, "I'd better head out to Dyeon Korea now."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you this. We received the pay for the 8 machines that we built and sold to Dyeon Korea."

"Hmm, really? It's 1.2 billion won in total, right?"

"Yeah. And, we paid GH Mobile for the 10 twin screws that we purchased earlier too."

"Good. Once Dyeon Korea gets all the machines that they need, you won't receive any product order from them for quite a while. When it happens, do you have a plan on how to pay your 23 workers here?"

"It won't be easy. I know that. It costs me 70 million won per month for the wages alone for my workers"

"How much do you make with other clients, such as the ones that you build machines for and those that you provide maintenance services?"

"We make about 100 million won on a monthly basis from them."

"Without Dyeon Korea's work, I guess GH Machines will suffer from deficits."