Movie Preview of Menghuan Yinghua (1) – Part 2

At that moment, a large screen began coming down from the ceiling.

Gun-Ho turned around and looked at the back area of the hall behind his seat. Every seat was now occupied with someone. The hall was filled with a lot of people.

"Hey, Mr. President Goo. You are here."

Gun-Ho turned his gaze to the source of the sound. It was Director Seukang Li.

"Thank you for coming, President Goo. Because of you, we could make this great movie."

"Don't mention it. It was part of my business anyway."

When the movie preview started, Gun-Ho and Seukang Li had to stop their conversation. The moderator made an announcement in Chinese for quite a while, informing the movie will soon start. Eventually, the movie screen completely came down from the ceiling, and the movie finally started.