Stock Influenced by Politics (2) – Part 1

CEO Park took a sip of his canned coffee before continuing, "The person who I want to recommend for you as an executive officer in your company is someone who used to work at an investment bank after having studied in the U.S."

Gun-Ho waved his hand and said, "Oh, no. I don't have a position in any of my companies for such a high qualified worker. As you know well, sir, all of my companies are small manufacturing companies. None of the positions in my companies require such high qualifications. I think A Electronics probably has a lot of positions that require people like him."

"The thing is that… he is former Minister Jin-Woo Lee's little brother."

"Huh? His little brother? That's even better, isn't it? A Group's chairman is Candidate Jin-Woo Lee's father-in-law. He will gladly hire his son-in-law's little brother. The qualification that he has, such as his educational and work experience will better suit a large company like A Electronics."