Commodity Channel Index (2) – Part 2

Gun-Ho's Bentley drove an expressway with Gun-Ho and Isehara Machines' president in it. Isehara's president said, "There are a lot of large buildings along the expressway now. It looked a lot more developed than the time when I visited here a few years ago."

After he made a comment about the area, Isehara Machines' president started dozing off in the car.

When it was around 3 pm, Gun-Ho's group arrived at GH Machines in Baeseok agricultural and industrial park in Cheonan City.

As Gun-Ho entered the factory's gate with Isehara Machines' president in his car, the security guard in a uniform gave a military salute to them.

There was a banner hanging at the entrance welcoming Isehara Machines' president, just like Jong-Suk Park told Gun-Ho that he would make it. Isehara Machines' president smiled when he saw the banner. The banner said in a large font that "Welcome Isehara Machines' President Shinichi Nishimura for his visit."