Presidential Candidate’s Little Brother (3) – Part 1

The next day, once again, Dyeon Korea's stock price increased by about 10%. After the price increased two days in a row, Dyeon Korea's stock price reached 7,800 won per share.

SH Investment Partners' President Geun-Soo Son thought that the recent increase in the price of Dyeon Korea's stock was strange, so the fact was, that Gun-Ho insisted on not selling the stock yet.

"I guess that I underestimated the person— Gun-Ho Goo. As the branch manager of Gangnam Stock Brokerage Company told me, President Goo is probably a big player whose wealth or power I can't even assess."

When President Geun-Soo Son was thinking about it, he received a call from the branch manager of Gangnam Stock Brokerage Company.

"President Son, how do you like your new work?"

"It's okay. I don't do anything special or particularly interesting here. I just buy a specific stock that President Goo picks, and sell a specific stock that is also selected by President Goo."