Public Announcement on Transferring Ownership Interest (1) – Part 1

Gun-Ho went home after work. He had a very satisfactory dinner that day. The food that Young-Eun prepared was delicious.

Young-Eun seemed to be feeling better. She seemed to be in a good mood too. With a light make-up, she looked pretty.

"Today is someone's birthday?"

"You are chairman now, huh? I read it online."

"Oh, that. Well, it's just another job title. Nothing much would be changed."

Sang-Min was now more than 10 months old. He already learned how to crawl on the floor. Sang-Min was crawling toward Gun-Ho while laughing happily.

Young-Eun said in a delighted voice while clapping, "Sang-Min! Your chairman daddy is home."

Gun-Ho picked up Sang-Min and tossed the baby in the air to make him laugh even more. While being held in Gun-Ho's arms, the baby kept pulling Gun-Ho's tie.

Young-Eun said while having dinner, "I received a lot of calls today."

"Calls from whom?"