Public Announcement on Transferring Ownership Interest (2) – Part 1

Gun-Ho left Dyeon Korea.

When he drove about 150 meters away from it, Gun-Ho asked Chan-Ho Eom to stop the car. He then got out of the car and turned around to see Dyeon Korea. He did seem to have mixed feelings.

'In order to win, I have to abandon.'

The line was from a book that he read before. It was saying that one had to know when to leave things behind resolutely if he wanted to have a victory in his life. Chan-Ho Eom who was standing next to Gun-Ho asked, "Mr. Chairman, we are not coming back here again, are we?"

"No, we won't."

There were a few clouds floating above the Dyeon Korea's factory building.

Gun-Ho thought about going to work in GH Mobile after stopping by GH Machines, but then he changed his mind. He wanted to have a drink instead.

He said to Chan-Ho Eom, "Let's go to the sashimi village near the Asan Bay Seawall."

"Umm… where did you say, sir?"

"I will buy you a clam stew."

"You are not going to GH Mobile today?"