Dissolving Private Equity Fund Company (2) – Part 2

Gun-Ho went to work in GH Building, Sinsa Town. He no longer went to work in Jiksan Town or Cheonan City. President Geun-Soo Son brought the new company's business license, business registration, and business bank account to Gun-Ho's office—the originals and its copies. GH Asset Management Company was established.

"Good job, Mr. President Son."

Gun-Ho then visited the new office of the new company. The renovations were already completed. The inside of the office was very well decorated. It looked luxurious enough to attract potential investors. The furniture and wall decorations all looked rich. The space partitions were also placed as Gun-Ho instructed.

"Doesn't your office feel a bit small?"

"It's large enough for me, sir."

Gun-Ho called for Manager Hong.

"I want you to send an official letter to all GH companies, letting them know that we have one more GH company now, which is GH Asset Management Company."

"Yes, sir."