Dissolution of GH Development (1) – Part 1

It was almost the end of March. The weather was getting warmer as spring was around the corner.

GH Media's President Jeong-Sook Shin called Gun-Ho to give him a report about the investment return that they received from Huanle Shiji Production Company in China, for their investment in the movie production. An amount of 17 billion won was received in GH Media's business bank account.

Gun-Ho could hear President Shin's excited voice over the phone.

"Mr. Chairman, now I can tell how immensely lucrative the movie industry could be. So, a successful movie can bring in this much revenue. It seems to be more lucrative than a publishing business."

"The thing is that it's not easy to be successful in the movie industry, and it is a very risky business. You have to be very careful with it."

"Well, the money is in our business bank account now. I will keep it safe there. Haha."

"Please do so."