Big Fish (1) – Part 1

Gun-Ho opened the Financial Supervisory Service's website— DART (Data Analysis, Retrieval, and Transfer System)— to check the Style Apparel's audit report. That company owned the building in Bangbae Town that Gun-Ho wanted to buy. That apparel company was generating an annual revenue of 30 billion won. The company had some debts, but it was not high. It had a good amount of assets as well.

"So, this company has no reason to sell its building."

On the way back from the restroom, Gun-Ho stopped by Director Kang's desk.

"Is that apparel company's owner working in the building in Bangbae Town?"

"No, sir. She has a small office building in Cheongdam Town, and she is working there. The building in Cheongdam Town has their own retail store as well."

"Hmm, really?"

Gun-Ho thought about it while having his coffee in his office.