Cut To The Chase

The room was not wide. It might have just been an accountant's office. There was a table, several stools, and a writing desk.

They were told to sit anywhere they pleased, and then she placed the paper, ink, and brush on the table in front of Liu Duo, motioning her to use them.

Liu Duo picked up the brush and doodled on the paper, just to try her hand. She had never drawn using a brush before.

Then, on the paper, she drew a cartoonish pig. It was fat, with adorable eyes. Because it was not painted with what should be a tender shade of pink, it lacked a certain appeal, but otherwise Liu Duo was quite satisfied with how it turned out.

"What do you think? The pig's cute, right? We make it this big," she gestured the size with her fingers, "I can guarantee that those rich ladies would love it very much." Liu Duo said, looking quite pleased with the expression on the woman's face.