Where Did This Little Lady Come From

Liu Duo walked quickly towards the direction of the port. Her heart felt uneasy, feeling that something was about to happen.

The closer they got to the port, the fewer women there were on the street. When they got to the port, almost all of the people were men. No wonder Liu didn't want her to follow him. The way people from the ancient times thought was really…

She shook her head and then continued to walk forward. Ye Mo went beside Liu Duo, and they walked side by side.

There were many men there. He had to be careful if men with bad intentions got close to Liu Duo.

There were a lot of people gathered at the front, as if something had happened. Liu Duo felt, through her sixth sense, that Ye Liu was over there. She went over quickly, but she was unable to push her way through.

She patted someone's shoulder and asked, "Brother, may I ask, what happened here?"