Why Am I Such A Loser?

Ye Ling had heard Ye Mo's cries from inside the room. He rolled out of bed to take a look at him.

At the same time, Liu Duo and Ye Liu also went inside, "Ling, don't move. Lie down and rest."

Liu Duo held onto Ye Ling and laid him down. She sat by his bed, looking at him.

Ye Liu moved a stool over and sat beside him too.

He felt four eyes on him and, awkwardly, he said, "Liu, Duo Er, why are you looking at me like that?"

Ye Liu wondered, how to tell him to not fall ill when consummating in the future?

Liu Duo wondered, how to tell him to not be so agitated in the future?

They both stared at him and concluded, with a sigh, It's not that easy!

Ye Ling saw the same expression on both of their faces and got really anxious. "What? I'm alright, don't worry. It's my fault. I don't know why I suddenly fell ill. I'm sorry I made you worry. I..."

As he spoke, his feelings overrode him again. He felt guilty for making them worried.