Hold It Right There

Inside the outhouse, Liu Duo changed her cloth and found that it was no longer stained with blood. "Yeah, it's gone! The next time it comes, I'll know what to do. Best to make my own simple sanitary napkin!"

When she left, she cleaned her cloth again and hung it on the rope.

She went to the kitchen. Ye Liu was with Ye Ling then. He had no time to boil water for her, and she did not want Ye Mo to help!

She went to boil her own bath water. Now that her menstruation was gone, she needed to have a good bath and wash her hair. She had not had one in a while, and it was starting to get itchy.

Ye Mo sat next to the stove, feeding it firewood, boiling water for the nightly wash.

Their eyes met when she entered the kitchen. She diverted her gaze and rushed off.

"Hold it right there!" Ye Mo roared.

What did she mean to do, turning around at the sight of him? Ye Mo thought, annoyed.

Liu Duo did not want to bother with him. He was very unreasonable and could go off at any time.