Looking For Trouble

She swung her hands in silence as she marched forwards. Nothing good had ever come from being with him!

Back at the paddy fields, Liu Duo continued sitting by the sideline, and Ye Mo resumed weeding.

He could not do anything about Liu Duo's neglect towards him. He did not know how he had offended her, and she would not talk about it!

"What's up, Mo?" Li Wazi got curious about the gloom on Ye Mo's face. He had just gone for a walk with his wife, and he had come back all fired up.

Ye Mo had his eyes on Liu Duo, who was looking up at the sky, wondering what was occupying her thoughts?

In response to Li Wazi's words, Ye Mo's expression dimmed. "More work, less talk."

Li Chunmei looked over at Liu Duo, then again at Ye Mo's handsome face. She thought, Liu Duo must have done something again to make him mad.

This wife is such a sinner! She only knows how to anger her husband!