Rolled Her Eyes At Him

Liu Duo only stopped smiling when she couldn't see Ye Ling's back. She felt so frustrated! However, she couldn't tell him, otherwise, she might corrupt his youth.

After all, Ye Ling was only nineteen years old and didn't know about such things. She didn't want to turn a little white rabbit into a big bad wolf!

Feeling depressed, she tied all the hair on her head into a ponytail and then went beside the well to wash her face and rinse her mouth.

On the other side, Ye Mo was still deep asleep on the bed. This was the first time in his long life that he had slept so peacefully.

When he was young, he had needed to wake up early to help with work. When he started going to school, he had still needed to wake up early to go to school. Later, when their family began to have problems, he had also needed to wake up early to take care of a young Ye Ling.