But He Wasn’t Sure

Grandma Ye looked at the slammed door and started to shout out a series of curses. Ye Xuan turned around and left. He did not want to listen or watch his grandmother speaking and behaving unreasonably.

After she felt like she had scolded enough, Grandma Ye and Ye Lanlan went home. They didn't even go to find Ye Mo and the others. After Liu Duo returned to the bedroom, she continued to do yoga. What had just happened did not affect her mood at all.

When it was about time to do so, Liu Duo went to the kitchen to boil water to prepare for a bath. Her body was sticky from the sweat, and it was really uncomfortable.

Liu Duo took the flint and tried to light a fire. She tried for a long time and the fire only lit once she had started to sweat again.

"It's finally lit. I almost went crazy." She wiped the sweat from her forehead and then started to replenish the firewood and boiled the water.