They Were Indeed Lacking

Ye Mo immediately placed down the ax and walked in when he heard the word "babies". Yang, however, just looked in Liu Duo's direction and continued to work.

Ye Mo looked at the model Liu Duo had drawn. "What are you guys talking about?" He also went and sat beside them.

When Ye Ling saw Ye Mo approach them, he immediately said, "Mo, please urge Duo Er to stop being mad. It was my fault for making her angry."

Liu Duo complained in her heart when she heard that. Oh my, Ling, are you joking? You want Little Brother Mo to urge me to stop being angry? It would be good enough if he just doesn't make me die from anger!

Liu Duo gave Ye Ling a rare eye roll!

"How did you make her angry? Let's hear it." Ye Mo glanced at Liu Duo and then looked back at Ye Ling.