I Don't Blame Him

Ye Xuan looked at his own mother, whose face was covered in tears and snot. Before he could respond, he heard Ye Mo addressing him, "Ye Xuan, it's best you take your grave-digging mother home. Don't blame me if I almost killed her!"

"Curse you, Ye Mo! You deserve to die for beating me up like this..." Ye Wushi swore non-stop when she heard him speak.

Ye Xuan hated to see his family making a scene like this, so he yelled at his mother, "That's enough! Grandma, Mother, don't ever lay a finger on Uncle Ye and Aunt Ye's grave. If you continue like this, I won't take the government exam!"

"Don't do that, Xuan! Grandmother will listen to you. You have to take the test."

"Yes, my dear Xuan. You can't skip the exam. Your mother I will listen to you."

Grandmother Ye and Ye Wushi immediately bent to his will. They swore never to lay a finger on the brothers' parents' graves.