So What If You Have Money!

She chose two garments for each of them, as well as two sets of underwear each, so that they could change and wash regularly. As for Ye Liu, she would just have to bring him shopping after he returned home.

Liu Duo also bought one garment for herself and two sets of underwear. "Miss Fang, can you pack up the ones I've picked out? Do give me a discount, please. Haha."

Qin Fang clicked madly on her abacus and, without forgetting to smile, said, "Of course. How could I defraud you?"

In the end, their garments and underwear, all of which were made of cotton, totalled up to twenty-one taels of silver. Qin Fang put down her abacus and said, "I've given you a 20% discount, Liu Duo. The total cost is twenty-one taels of silver.

"What, twenty-one taels? That's too expensive! We're not buying," Ye Mo began to fret.

Ye Yang and Ye Ling also felt it was too expensive, but they did not react as Ye Mo had. They merely furrowed their brows.