Even Rarer

Burly Du would start calling Ye Liu "Liu Er" whenever he saw him. Did he treat her words like rubbish and couldn't remember them? Did he dare to peep on her man right in front of her? He was a bit too bold!

Liu Duo got worked up, spat out a bunch of words and stunned Burly Du. He had witnessed Liu Duo's awesomeness before. When it came to talking, she was even nimbler than men. Moreover, she was also very fierce.

"What are you looking at? I asked you a question. What did you call my husband? If you have something to say then say it aloud. If there's nothing, then scram! Don't delay us from having a meal at our home." Liu Duo crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Burly Du from the corner of her eye. She looked like a proud lady boss who was oozing arrogance.