She Said It Was Nothing, But Why Did She Still Look So Angry?

Liu Duo got up immediately and stared at the two of them. "Mr. Liuzi, I don't need you to help me grind the ink. And Little Brother Mo, my handwriting is ugly? So what? I like it, I'm okay with it, and I'm happy with it! I'm not going to practice anymore. Both of you, get out. I don't want to see you guys."

She decided that if she didn't see them, she wouldn't feel annoyed anymore. Otherwise, she would soon die from being angered by these two!

At that moment, Ye Ling walked in. He saw that Liu Duo looked unhappy and was angry. He thought that she had probably argued with Ye Mo again. "Duo Er, eat some fruit. Fill your tummy and rest for a while."

He even handed a piece of fruit to her as he spoke.

As Liu Duo stretched out her hands to take it, she heard Ye Liu speaking like a ruffian, "Mo, have you heard me? Little Duo likes this kind of writing. We won't be practicing anymore. If you keep shouting, we will throw you out straight away!"