You Are Mine

Burly Du could only walk away. He had finally met Ye Liu again and gotten the chance to approach him, but it had escaped him just like that? Even if they couldn't talk, at least he had been able to see him!

"Liu, how could you so quickly spend the money you've just earned? It's better to save up, in case of emergencies," Wang Tuozi went back to the previous topic, speaking out of concern.

He knew the Ye brothers had lost their parents. He himself didn't have children, so he cared for them and tended to nag.

"Uncle Wang, money earned is meant to be spent. As long as there's a way to generate income, there's no fear that we won't get more. Don't you worry a bit. We know what we're doing," Liu Duo chuckled.

Ye Liu added mischievously, "Uncle Wang, our wife wants to spend, and we surely have to please her! Us men should just work hard and make money."

Liu Duo was satisfied with his reply. It was perfect. What a good man. He could talk the talk and walk the walk!