Liu Duo Admits Defeat

Ye Liu knew Ling wouldn't contribute any extra kicks. Ling was a softie, and both Ye Yang and himself had punished Mo enough.

Just looking at his eyes, Liu knew that Ling felt they had done more than enough.

At that moment, Liu Duo entered and saw Ye Mo kneeling on the floor. She said, "Liuzi, you're still punishing him?"

Ye Liu shook his legs and chuckled, "Not anymore. Little Mo's not a monkey. He wouldn't need that long. Not like we're training him to perform tricks."

Pffft, Liu Duo laughed. Damn this Liuzi, mocking his brother like that. Ye Mo's mouth twitched, wondering if he was still family to him. Who would say things like that?

"Mo, you're off the hook. What are you still kneeling for? Get up," Liu Duo went to help him up.

Ye Mo didn't even say anything when Ye Liu called out, "Yo, Little Duo, are you feeling for him? When were you ever nice to him? Why didn't I know that?"