You Don't Need To Be Jealous, You Are Also Very Handsome

When Ye Mo arrived downstairs, Ye Yang and the others had already finished washing up. Each of them was busy with his own work. The one responsible for making breakfast was making breakfast, the one who helped with the fire helped with the fire, and the one who needed to clean the yard cleaned the yard. Hei Xiaomeng was also running around freely in the yard. It was obvious that it had woken up some time ago.

It started to bark at Ye Mo when it saw him. It looked like it did not get along well with Ye Mo!

Ye Mo saw it and shook his fist at it, as if wanting to hit it. Hei Xiaomeng immediately turned around and ran away.

Ye Yang saw what happened. He only cast a glance at Ye Mo and then continued to clean the yard of bamboo leaves.

After Ye Mo washed up, he headed to the kitchen to help with the work. Ye Liu immediately made fun of him, "Yo, Mo, you are finally willing to wake up? I thought you were only going to wake up when the sun was already high up in the sky!"