Thought It Was A Fraud

Ye Yang merely gave him a side-glance, as though he were a nobody.

Outside, Grandmother Liu used all her might and fervently tapped on the closed door, shouting loudly, "What a rude bunch! How dare you treat me like this? I am your wife's grandmother..."

And yet she chose to forget what Liu Duo had just said. Never once did Liu Duo admit that she was her grandmother!

Liu Quanfu furrowed his brow at Grandmother Liu's endless chiding. He held her by the arm, "Mother, we should go! It's futile. They've already cut ties with us. Let's leave."

Relentless, Grandmother accused her youngest son, "You useless thing! Why didn't you stand up for me when your sons-in-law treated me so awfully? You just want me to leave! How did I give birth to such an inconsiderate child..."